More information about Intentional

Raising Passionate Jesus Followers 

Jesus said, 

“I am the light of the world; whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8v12 (NIV)

Intentional Parents International was created in response to the cry of young parents for help in fulfilling their God-given calling of raising passionate Jesus followers. Realizing that raising kids who love and walk with Jesus will only happen when parents make this their top priority— when they become intentional about it.   

People are intentional about many things: the career they choose, the person they marry, even the trips they take. Yet when it comes to raising kids, many parents don’t have a well-thought-out plan they’re determined to implement. They may have a few ideas— a couple things they don’t want to do because of mistakes they watched their parents make— but no clear plan.

While there are no guarantees, we truly believe that if you’re intentional in the raising of your children—if you know where you are headed and what you need to do to get there—by the time they’re teenagers obedience will have been established, respect will be strong, and you’ll simply be making minor corrections. 

That is what Intentional is all about. A plan for making disciples of your own children, 

Is your top priority that your kids will not only know about God, but actually experience Him? This will only happen with a well-thought-out plan, and a tremendous amount of prayer.

The apostle John said:

“I have no greater joy than this; to hear of my children walking in the truth.” 3 John 4

There can be no greater goal for parents than to see their children following the One who promises the life that is truly life to His followers. (I Timothy 6v19)